Lathi sports, also known as Lathi Khela, encompass a variety of traditional martial art forms centered around the use of a wooden staff called a lathi. Practiced for generations in the Indian subcontinent, Lathi emphasizes self-defense techniques, weapon-handling skills, and physical fitness. It serves as a cultural touchstone, often incorporated into festivals and celebrations.
The exact origins of Lathi sports are unclear, but historical evidence suggests it's been practiced throughout the Indian subcontinent for centuries. Initially used for self-defense and warfare, the wooden staff (lathi) became a training tool, evolving into a multifaceted discipline with regional variations. Today, Lathi sports serve as a link to the past, keeping traditions alive while promoting physical fitness and cultural pride.
Competition Formats
The National Martial Arts Championship 2024 includes the following bo-staff practices in its Lathi Sports format:
- Solo Operation (एकल संचालन)
- Curry Fight (इकहरी लड़ंत)
- Binary Fight (दोहरी लड़ंत)
- Four Hit Fight (चार चोट लड़ंत)
- Treatise (प्रकरण)
- Semi Contact Facing (अर्ध/अल्प युद्र्)
- Mass Fighting (सामूहहक लड़ंत)
- Massage Therapy
- Yoga
- Advanced Weapons